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Sabki.Shop is an equitable e-commerce store for Brands, Resellers, Influencers and End Users . The objective of this project is to digitise and incentivise the offline system of goods distribution and enable the uberisation in e-commerce paradigm

Client / 




Role / 

Experience Designer


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Year / 


Almost all the e-commerce marketplaces are like mega retailers or a distributor, so the experience of purchasing from any of the marketplaces like amazon, flipkart, snapdeal, walmart etc is like visiting a super-market, and seeing a large amount of products clustered on the basis on their categories in various aisles

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On the other hand brands, aspire to create exclusive brand stores where they can showcase to their maximum potential, immerse the user in the brand's experience and narrative, without any distraction or clash with other brands. 

To deconstruct the eco-system and fundamentally understand the context, the stakeholders of the supply chain were identified


  • Brands/OEM - The users which are source of any goods or products flowing out in the market

  • Resellers - The users who facilitate the supply-chain by investing and warehousing goods in order to feed the market

  • Influencers/Marketers - The users responsible for creating awareness of the product which in turn culminates into demand

  • End Customer - The user who is essentially consuming the goods or using the product and paying the final price

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The big players in online commerce, hold the customer base and at the same time extract hefty commissions on the orders that are placed on the platform (average of 13% going upto 45%)


They are able to do that because they manage and own the supply and logistics. Fair enough!


But for anyone to sell there, the is a lot of technological and data management one has to do, and that's not a Lehman's job either. So the accessibility and affordance of making it happen is not much.

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The space seems to have a need for a re-invention of optimisation of how the goods can exchange, how market can be understood and maintained, and finally how to optimise cost of goods.


As we began the investigation of the possibility of how the marketplace can be envisioned, we conducted a series of interviews, environmental observations and case studies to understand the needs and aspirations of our stake holders w.r.t e-commerce paradigm of trade


The following key points were identified which were instrumental for their digital commerce journey.


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1. Maintain a portfolio of products and catalog information about it's availability

4. Manage inventory, invoicing, payments and dispatch of goods.

2. Get filtered leads on the basis of direct buyers and referral buys.

5. Manage or outsource logistics and manage debit & credit ledgers.

3. Provide Quotations as per nature of lead and order volume

6. Promote and market their products to keep the cycle going.


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1. Directly contact the OEM/Brand and buy directly from them or their agents

4. Getting smaller ticket B2B orders to propagate their business further.

2. Stay aware of pricing models, demand  and offers on for various commodities.

5. Listing, generating orders, delivering Orders and warehousing goods

3. Expanding, managing and retaining their network and market involved in trading

6. Promote and market their products to keep the cycle going.


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1. They are constantly looking for opportunities which allows then to encash their network worth

4. Simplistic and less cumbersome referral process for enabling their network to follow the referral trail

2. Stay aware of monetary offerings by various brands for marketing their products

5. Encash the referral income in form of products or money

3. Need a formalised system which can account their influences and maintain a ledger for the same.

6. Micro-influencing possibility, anyone can refer and earn, 10K or more followers on instagram not needed.

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1. Competitive prices and offers on various products of their interest

4. Support small/local business

2. High quality authentic goods

5. Warranties and redressals

3. Quick Delivery and customer support

6. Efficient packaging and Lesser carbon footprint

A platform which allows every stakeholder to play their role and at the same time treats each and every member of supply chain and marketing as important and significant as the other is what the need of the hour is.


The capitalistic approach in the system takes a hit on everyone and that causes extraction of money mainly either out of customer's end or the reseller's end.


This product aims to change that. Now, your market is your market, and you can retain your digital market too!

A platform which allows every stakeholder to play their role and at the same time treats each and every member of supply chain and marketing as important and significant as the other is what the need of the hour is.


The capitalistic approach in the system takes a hit on everyone and that causes extraction of money mainly either out of customer's end or the reseller's end.


This product aims to change that. Now, your market is your market, and you can retain your digital market too!

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The core features that would be required to realise the conceptualisation and requirements put forward to far are as follows


  • Exclusive Brand Stores

  • Authorising resellers in digital space like Brands/OEM do in physical supply chain 

  • Dynamic Pricing and Quotationing

  • Bringing orders to the resellers without the need for listing the products

  • Network Retention

  • Uberised order fulfilment



The first phase of the product is being introduced in the brands and reseller network as a B2B marketplace which would allow the other features to be dovetailed in the into the system after successful B2B adoption

Primary Players  in the Eco-System which were analysed for case study were : - 


  • Alibaba

  • Indiamart

  • Udaan



It is a business-to-business trading platform, connecting manufacturers and wholesalers with buyers from around the world.


Business Model

Total Users


User Segements

1999, China



779 Million

$900 Billion

OEM/Brand, Resellers 


  • Dynamic Pricing on products and opportunity to negotiate

  • Exclusive Brand Stores for premium customers

  • Personalised Seller's Outlook



It is a business-to-business trading platform, connecting manufacturers and wholesalers with buyers from around the world.


Business Model

Total Users


User Segements

1996, India


723.5 Million

$800 Million

Open to all


  • Direct buy leads from potential buyers

  • India's premier mobile-first B2B Listing and Cataloging platform

  • Integrated CRM system for efficient communication with the customer



It is a business-to-business trading platform, connecting manufacturers and wholesalers with buyers from around the world.


Business Model

Total Users


User Segements

2016, India



3 Million

$3.1 Billion

OEM/Brands, Resellers


  • Extensive consolidation of retailers

  • India's first B2B e-commerce trading platform

  • Insured Credit systems for buyers and only converted leads for suppliers

Click here to view demo


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